Swimming Pool Light Repair
Proper swimming pool lighting is important for the safety of your family and guest. We are licensed contractors that you can count on us for any pool lighting repair.
When it is time for a repair on your swimming pool lighting we have the expertise that comes from 20 years of experience troubleshooting and resolving any issues with your pool lighting.
Common Problems:
- Water Leaks Into Light
- Pool Lamp Burned Out
- GFI Issue
- Faulty Wiring
- Dry Lens Gasket
- Faulty Junction Box
- Cracked Lens

In 1968, the National Electrical Code (NEC) was rewritten to include swimming pools in their standards and regulations (article 680). If your pool was built prior to 1968, there may exist some electrical design for your underwater lighting and filter pump that is not “up to code”. Any new work to the electrical equipment or circuits must include upgrading to these standards of Article 680.
Most local electrical codes require that swimming pool electrical work be performed by a licensed electrician.
Remember that water and electricity don’t mix. If you notice anything that “looks” questionable or possibly hazardous, have it checked out immediately by a licensed professional electrician. Underwater lights have resulted in fatalities.
UW lights have become a common, standard item in all pools. There are many manufacturers of light fixtures on the market, including Pac Fab, Hayward, American Products and Sta-rite. Smaller, halogen lamps are now being installed, as well as fiber optic decorative lighting that can run above or below water.
Your underwater lighting should give you few problems. Most bulbs will burn for 1,000 hours before relamping is necessary. The light fixture itself can last several decades, however, corrosive pool chemistry can weaken the fixture and the screws which hold a pool light together, and this may necessitate replacement.
Light doesn’t turn on? Check all breakers, fuses, switches and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlets. Frequently, a GFCI outlet is wired into the UW light circuit. If the GFCI ‘red button’ has popped out, the power will not continue on towards the pool light. Ensure all of these switches are in the ON position. If you find that a breaker or fuse or GFCI continues to trip, and the pool light will not come on, you should call for service at this point to determine where this irregularity is originating. If all switches are on, but we have no light in the pool, we’d want to remove the fixture from the niche and inspect the bulb for continuity (Of course, we have turned all switches/breakers OFF at this point). Burnt bulbs are replaced with identical voltage bulbs of either 12V or 120V. 12V bulbs are usually 300 watts, while 120V bulbs are available in either 300 or 500 watts. These are medium based, reflective flood lamps of special design. Do not use your garden variety flood lamp bulb, but a bulb specifically sold as a pool light bulb.
Water behind the lens? This is a startling observation for many to see. Many times the lamp continues to burn even with water surrounding the bulb. If you notice a line of water in the lens, the fixture should be removed from the pool immediately. Call a certified licensed technician.